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500 children and a band

Thursday, November 13, 2008 – The Music Band of Rozzano and 500 children of the two Elementary Schools of the Scholastic Circle No. 2, pupils of the project “Musical Maestro” of 11 Note will make music together in the piazza.

It was thought to substitute a little work of the end of the year with an event which would give all the children the possibility of showing how much they have learned about reading music and song.

The children of the schools will join their voices, Maestro Andrea Giè will compose the music and direct the choir, while the Musical Band of Rozzano will support them in the undertaking.

The citizens of Rozzano will see how much our children have studied and how much they are entertained.

The Friends of 11 Note have already provided for a series of meetings for subdividing the organizational duties because this will be an unforgettable event for the children and for Rozzano.
The collection of funds will also be mentioned. In order not to neglect this important part, we write again the banking information for 11Note and invite all of those who wish to help to do so immediately.

IBAN: IT46 TO56 9601 6260 0000 2185 X27

The checking account of 11Note is a The Banca Popolare di Sondrio e Milano.

Thanks and welcome to the Band of Rozzano!
